Online ISSN : 2189-6844
Print ISSN : 0440-8039
ISSN-L : 0440-8039
西 成彦
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 28 巻 p. 53-63


 It is well known that both of the great novelists of the Meiji era, Ogai and Soseki, reacted to General Nogi’s Junshi, which symbolically announced the passing of an age. In this paper the author has the intention of analysing their methods of fictionalisation.

 After defining Ogai’s first historical novel, Okitsu Yagoemon no Isho,as written by the method of 《superposition》, the author remarks that Kokoro and Abe Ichizoku are novels focused upon disqualified men, who notwithstanding have pretensions to Junshi.

 Sensei, one of the Junshi-performers, writes a testament directed to Watashi, which seems to aim for permission for Junshi, for expiation of his own sin and finally at winning his partner’s confidence. This triple structure of 《confession》, the author says, makes this novel not a typical Junshi-novel but a 《parody》 of Nogi’s suicide.

 The other Junshi story, Abe Ichizoku, has a disqualified man as hero, too. In this novel, however, Ogai gives less emphasis to the requalification than to the classification of various cases of Junshi; and less to the suicide itself than to its disastrous consequences, the cause of which was an imperceptibly minimal accident. (This type of literature can be found, for example, in Ogai’s favorite German writer, Heinrich von Kleist.)

 As a whole, this paper rejects traditional approaches to these novels, so as to propose that we should regard them rather as subversive than as affirmative to the Junshi tradition.

© 1986 日本比較文学会
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