2020 年 68 巻 2 号 p. 925-922
The *Guhyatattvaprakāśa (gSang ba’i de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba, hereafter GTP) was authored by Kr̥ṣṇācārya, who founded one of schools in the Saṃvara cycle, and expounded the niṣpannakrama as well. It is a well-known fact that this work is intended to be compatible with the Guhyasamāja tradition and the Saṃvara cycle tradition. Further, in the GTP, passages parallel with the Saṃpuṭodbhavatantra (hereafter SPU) are identified. Although its importance is understood, research on the GTP has not been carried out so far, as the original Sanskrit text is not yet discovered.
This paper presents a Tibetan critical edition of a passage in Chapter 2 of the GTP which consists of four chapters together with a reconstructed text. Many parallels are found in the SPU (I–iv), and here I offer the text of the GTP after comparing available Sanskrit manuscripts of the SPU and the Tibetan translations.