2020 年 69 巻 1 号 p. 367-362
No Chinese or Tibetan translation of the Laukikalokottaravajratantra is known, and no Sanskrit original has yet been found. This Buddhist Tantric text was noted in previous studies as possibly corresponding to the fifth assembly of the large text of the Jin’gangding jing金剛頂経in eighteen assemblies and 100,000 gāthās, but that conclusion is based solely on the Tattvasiddhi and needs to be reconsidered based on many actual examples. The present paper provides fragments from the Laukikalokottaravajratantra in Tibetan translation, which are found in translated commentaries on Buddhist Tantric texts such as the *Guhyasamājatantraṭīkā, *Tattvālokakarī, *Śrīparamādyavṛtti, and *Śrīparamādyaṭīkā.
After reviewing the recovered excerpts, it was found that the Laukikalokottaravajratantra is closely related to the Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha, the Śrīparamādya, and the Guhyasamājatantra. Furthermore, it has been pointed out in previous studies that these scriptures, in turn, correspond to the first assembly, the sixth through eighth assembly, and the fifteenth assembly of the large text of the Jin’gangding jing. Accordingly, the probability that the Laukikalokottaravajratantra corresponds to the fifth assembly is high.