Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
天台開会思想と本化地涌菩薩との関連 (2) -応生眷属の利益-
山内 寛久
キーワード: 実報土人, 利益, 化他行
ジャーナル フリー

2005 年 54 巻 1 号 p. 110-114,1247


In this paper I would like to consider the cultivation of Yingsheng juanzhu and all living things that receive it, and the structure and the relationship of the two.
First, I would like to draw attention to the fact that in Gongde liyi miao (功徳利益妙), the tenth of the ten categories of Miao (妙) of Jimen (迹門) described in the Fahua xuanyi (法華玄義), it is indirectly written that the profits of perfect teaching Yuanjiao xiangsi ji (円教相似即) are equal to the profits of Shibaodu-ren (実報土人), and at the same time, are also equal to the profits of Ershiwuyou (二十五有), including the lowest hell.
Next, quoting a passage from Xingmiao (行妙) in the Fahua xuanyi in which the Wuzuo sidi of Huishengzing (慧聖行) is described, I will state the relation and structure of Yuanjiao xiangsi ji and all living things that receive it, showing that by entering Huanxidi (歓喜地), the above-mentioned profits of perfect teaching Yuanjiao xiangsi ji show the full extent of their abilities.
The perfect teaching is a teaching for superior bodhisattvas; but on the other hand, perfect teaching is a sufficiently great teaching to help those in the lowest level of hell.
Therefore, by actively relating to the lowest level of beings, Shibaodu-ren conquers his ignorance, helps the promotion of the Middle Way, ignorance and the Middle Way are tied together, and there is an increase in the power to take away wu (無). This is the structure of profits and merit of Yuanjiao xi angsi ji.

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