2006 年 55 巻 1 号 p. 155-158,1198
The Kongo-himitsu-Sanno-denju-daiji (金剛秘密山王伝授大事) includes inconsistent descriptions of which school had handed down the text. One description shows that it is ascribed to the “Eshin-school (恵心流)” and another shows that it is ascribed to the “Kajii-school (梶井流).” This seems to be contradictory because the Kajii-school is considered generally as a kind of Danna-school (檀那流). Kakujo NOMOTO (野本覚成) interprets this contradiction as implying that the Shinzo-school (神蔵流), a kind of the Eshin-school, called itself the Kajii-school. Based on his understanding, this paper examfines the lineage of the Kongo-himitsu-Sanno-denju-daiji more closely by consulting other texts of the Eshin-school and considers the relationship between the Kongo-himitsu-Sanno-denju-daiji and the Eshin-School.
The conclusions are as follows: I. the Kongo-himitsu-Sanno-denju-daiji had already been established as a unit of text when Goyu (豪祐) received it from his predecessor. This is drawn from the fact that the date of the incident was mentioned for the first time in the colophon. The text still existed as the Shogyozo-version (正教蔵本) and the Tenkaizo-version (天海蔵本), II. Kyochu (経忠) can be identified as Jichu (慈忠), the chief priest of Jodo-ji (浄土寺) temple, who is a young brother of Tsunetada FJUIWARA (藤原経忠), the minister of the left (C. E. 1302-1352), and III. the lineage up to Keichin (慶珍) appearing on the Shogyozo-version and that up to Seikai (盛海) appearing on the Tenkaizo-version can be found in other texts of the Eshin-school. It should be stressed that the last point reveals that the Kongo-himitsu-Sannodenju-daiji is not ascribed to the Danna-school, but to the Eshin-school.