2006 年 55 巻 1 号 p. 390-386,1222
The Abhidharma Mahavibhasa (AMBh)translated by Xuanzang (玄奘) states that discrimination in meditation is devoid of conceptional construction, and that language exists until at least the first stage of meditation (prathamadhyana). Mutually contradictory teachings on whether language exists or not in meditation are found in both the Chinese Agamas and the Pali Nikayas. Theravadins support scriptures affirming that language does not exist in the first stage of meditation. In contrast, in the Samgitiparyaya, Prakaranapada, Jñanaprasthana and AMBh, Sarvastivadins maintain that language does exist in it. However, the author of the Dharmaskandha agrees with the Theravadins. In this way, there are different traditions on this matter within the early Sarvastivadin literature.