Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
Gargasamhita 第39章について
熊谷 孝司
キーワード: 予兆
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 795-789,1262


This is a study of the Gargasamhita (GSamh) on divination, astrology or science literature.
J. Mitchiner has researched the Yuga Purana which derives from the GSamh. He argues that the original text of the GSamh was written in Brahmi script on the evidence of confusions between stha and scha. There are, however, some confusions between sa and ma. So, we should consider that the GSarph might originally have been written in Sarada script.
He infers that MSS. P was copied either directly from MSS. A or else from the same earlier manuscript as that from which A was copied. This inference is supported by the same confusion of folios between A and P (cf. Table).
We can notice there may be a close connection among the GSamh, the Brhatsamhita (BrhSamh) and the Atharvavedaparisista (AVParis). For instance, Varahamihira, the author of the BrhSamh, and some Puranas explain that extraordinary natural phenomena (utpata) are caused by person's sin. On the other hand a similar explanation is found in the GSamh: “Extraordinary natural phenomena are caused by the king's sin.”
I bring forward the text and a Japanese translation of GSamh 39.8 Jayavaikrta.

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