2007 年 127 巻 10 号 p. 1699-1704
We proposed a novel retinal model capable of simulating Mach-effect, which is known as an optical illusion emphasizing edges of an object. The model was constructed by a rod cell layer, a bipolar cell layer, and a ganglion cell layer. Lateral inhibition and perceptive field networks were introduced between the layers, respectively. Photoelectric conversion for a single photon incidence at each rod cell was defined as an equation, and the input to the model was simulated as a distribution of transmitted photons through the input image for consecutive incidences by Monte Carlo method. Since this model successfully simulated not only Mach-effect illusion, but also DOG-like (Difference of Gaussian like) profile for a spot light incidence, the model was considered to form functionally the perceptive field of the retinal ganglion cell.
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