Online ISSN : 1347-5533
Print ISSN : 0385-4205
ISSN-L : 0385-4205
Improvement of Ozone Generators with O/O3 Different-Space-Generation System
Norikazu Tabata
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 117 巻 3 号 p. 250-256


The author has developed the concept of a novel ozone generator that adopts the O/O3 different-space-generation system. The novel ozone generator consists of a dissociation chamber, an ejector, and an ozone formation chamber. Oxygen atoms generated from pure oxygen as the first material gas in the dissociation chamber are mixed with air as the second material gas in the ejector, and react with oxygen molecules to form ozone molecules in the ozone formation chamber. It has a high O3 formation efficiency only in the low O3 concentration range. For the improvement of the novel ozone generator, the author has newly proposed the concept of a O/O3 different-space-generation system with a multi-stage reaction process. It consists of a dissociation chamber, multiple ejectors, and multiple ozone formation chambers. The oxygen atoms from the dissociation chamber are divided into parts for every stage and added to the air or the air containing O3 at every stage. The ozone concentration is accumulated in every stage, and reaches the expected value in the last stage. According to the simulation results, the newly proposed ozone generator can generate O3 of 3.1mol% with an efficiency of 172g/kwh. The novel ozone generator with the O/O3 different-space-generation system has been improved to have a high O3 formation efficiency even in the high O3 concentration range.

© The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
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