Internal Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-7235
Print ISSN : 0918-2918
ISSN-L : 0918-2918
Status of Dyslipidemia Treatment in Japanese Adults: An Analysis of the 2009 Japan Society of Ningen Dock Database
Eiko TakahashiKengo MoriyamaMinoru Yamakado
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2013 年 52 巻 3 号 p. 295-301


Objective The Japan Atherosclerosis Society (JAS) has recommended serum lipid management goals (SLMGs) based on the coronary heart disease (CHD) risk classification included in its 2007 guidelines for the diagnosis and prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the Japanese population (JAS GL 2007). The Japan Society of Ningen Dock created a database of subjects receiving annual health examinations at 21 institutes nationwide. Using this database, we evaluated the efficacy of current treatment for patients with dyslipidemia by identifying risk factors for CHD development, based on the JAS recommendations.
Methods This multicenter, retrospective study was conducted using data obtained from 21 institutions across Japan. 17,991 adults taking dyslipidemia medications were enrolled. The JAS GL 2007 was used for evaluation. Since the guideline indicated separate goals (secondary prevention for subjects with a prior history of CHD and primary prevention for those with other CHD risk factors), we evaluated the percentages of goals met. The serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels were calculated using the Friedewald formula. The LDL-C level was measured using a direct homogeneous assay if the triglycerides (TG) level was 400 mg/dL or higher.
Results The achievement rates of the SLMGs were as follows: LDL-C, 72.3%; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), 94.6%; and TG, 69.7%.
Conclusion Our results regarding Japanese patients receiving dyslipidemia treatment for CHD prevention identified insufficient reductions in the levels of LDL-C and TG in those at high risk for CHD and suggest the need for more aggressive lipid-lowering therapy.

© 2013 by The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine