NIHON GAZO GAKKAISHI (Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan)
Online ISSN : 1880-4675
Print ISSN : 1344-4425
ISSN-L : 1344-4425
Rapid Communication
Rewritable Paper Utilizing Kapok Fibers Containing Thermo-sensitive Inks
Kenta NODAAkihiro KURODAShuichi MAEDA
Author information

2015 Volume 54 Issue 5 Pages 421-423


We have succeeded to make paper sheets integrating hollow Kapok fibers containing solid fluorescence particles or magnetic particles. The focus of this work is to develop a novel paper sheet which integrates Kapok fibers containing thermo-sensitive inks. We utilized a thermo-sensitive ink which exhibits blue color under 40°C and pink color over 40°C. We have succeeded to make Kapok fibers containing the thermo-sensitive ink and paper sheet integrating the Kapok fibers. The paper sheet which integrates Kapok fibers containing thermo-sensitive inks changed its color reversibly depending on temperature. This observation suggests that the paper sheet utilizing Kapok fibers has the potential for rewritable paper sheet.

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© 2015 by The Imaging Society of Japan
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