NIHON GAZO GAKKAISHI (Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan)
Online ISSN : 1880-4675
Print ISSN : 1344-4425
ISSN-L : 1344-4425
Imaging Today
The New Printing Technology and Future Prospects about the Latest Office Printer EPSON PX-M7050FX
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2015 Volume 54 Issue 5 Pages 425-431


Epson has finely analyzed the requirements of business printers in view of changing office needs.  By optimally designing our unique print head technology for business applications and conducting repeated improvements, we have developed a new generation of business inkjet printers to rival or surpass laser printers. There is an established image of laser printers being for business use and inkjet printers being for the home. However, the efficiently simple printing process and mechanism of inkjet printers actually provides a variety of advantages over laser printers. Their high potential also allows for a wide range of applications, and in many commercial and industrial printing segments where precision, productivity and stability are mission critical, inkjet technology is rapidly becoming the industry standard as it evolves. The new office printers developed by Epson with Precision Core technology take full advantage of the superior capabilities of inkjet technology. In order to meet with the demand of business they also feature uncompromising levels of standard performance. From laser to business inkjet. Epson's evolving inkjet technology will revolutionize office printing.

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© 2015 by The Imaging Society of Japan
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