Information and Technology in Education and Learning
Online ISSN : 2436-1712
Invited Paper
International Collaboration in Educational Technology Research: A Personal Reflection on Research Process, Experience, and Outcomes
Insung Jung
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2022 Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages Inv-p003


Over recent decades, international collaboration in research has been promoted across all disciplines in higher education and, as a result, we are observing the rapid growth of international research collaboration in both natural and social sciences including educational technology. This paper begins with a review of general trends and patterns of international research collaboration in higher education and educational technology and then analyzes three international collaborative research projects conducted by me to share my personal reflection on the research process, experience, and outcomes. In so doing, the paper aims to offer some suggestions for researchers in educational technology who wish to expand opportunities for international collaboration in their future academic research.

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© 2022 Japan Society for Educational Technology & Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education

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