Information and Technology in Education and Learning
Online ISSN : 2436-1712
A Qualitative Study of Formation Process of Work Values and Beliefs in Experimental-Learning in Mid-Level Employees Requiring Reflective Support
Chiaki HiromatsuShigeto Ozawa
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2022 Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages Trans-p001


Using a semi-structured interview, we investigated how work values and beliefs are formed; furthermore, we applied the Trajectory Equifinality Approach (TEA) with regard to mid-level employees who need reflective support. We found that mid-level employees tend to deepen their understanding regarding their approaches to work as well as their work-related values and beliefs, not only through successful experiences but also through their failures. For instance, they may encounter situations where they may “have to bear heavy responsibilities by themselves and suffer unexpected issues later” and thus struggle against others’ expectations and requests. Furthermore, unlike previous research, this research has identified “Enriching both public and private life” as a new workplace value. Finally, we examined the importance of superiors’ reflective support for establishing work values and beliefs among mid-level employees and for helping them develop into experts in their respective fields.

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© 2022 Japan Society for Educational Technology & Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education

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