Information and Technology in Education and Learning
Online ISSN : 2436-1712
Characteristic of the Teachers’ Teaching Knowledge of One-to-One Computing in Elementary Education Classes
Fumiko YagisawaTatsuya Horita
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2022 Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages Trans-p005


This study investigated teachers’ teaching knowledge of using 1-to-1 tablet PCs in an elementary school classroom. First, we interviewed teachers regarding their intentions for motivating teaching behaviors observed in their classes. The content of the interviews was classified with reference to the framework of “teachers’ knowledge domains in teaching” (Yoshizaki 1988a; hereafter termed “Yoshizaki’s knowledge domains model”). The results suggested that the content, which included teaching knowledge and ideas that informed the teachers’ teaching behavior, could be classified using Yoshizaki’s knowledge domains model, which was formulated before tablet PCs existed. The knowledge used by teachers was influenced by learning activities, learning opportunities, grade level, and subjects. The relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) knowledge and Yoshizaki’s knowledge domains was investigated, as ICT was not part of Yoshizaki’s model. Knowledge of ICT was divided into four categories, some of which could be considered extensions of Yoshizaki’s knowledge domains model.

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© 2022 Japan Society for Educational Technology Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education

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