Online ISSN : 2433-183X
Print ISSN : 0287-2870
ISSN-L : 0287-2870
学校改善を促す教育条件整備 : 「使い勝手」の視座を参考に(<特集>社会変動と教育経営)
堀井 啓幸
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 55 巻 p. 2-13


The study firstly clarifies a regime of how educational conditions of school management relate to the improvement of schools. Based on the findings, it then suggests how the development of the educational conditions should be, from the point of view of the usability of school facilities (their physical condition), which were often considered as the bottom-line condition, prior to school management. The following points were indicated: ・Since the improvement of schools is only realized on the premise of the autonomy of the school, reform from the outside has its limit. ・Since the recent educational reforms failed to strengthen the educational conditions, not even reaching the 'national minimum', which reflects the changes in the society, the educational reforms, in terms of both human and physical conditions, couldn't energize schools and teachers. ・A viewpoint overseeing all elements of school organization, education curriculum and school facilities are essential in improving schools. ・A multifaceted investigation is called for, in which the physical conditions are taken as a 'direct development promoter function' and how it affects children and teachers.

© 2013 日本教育経営学会
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