Online ISSN : 2424-1474
ISSN-L : 2424-1474
EUの教育政策(III <特集3>国際機関の教育政策)
柿内 真紀園山 大祐
ジャーナル フリー

2005 年 12 巻 p. 93-101


The purpose of this paper is to consider EU education policy in terms of one EU education programme and one turning point in policy. In the former case we deal with "Socrates" which is the European programme for general education from preschool to tertiary education, and lifelong learning. In the latter case we focus upon influences of the Lisbon Strategy in the field of education. From our analysis, the following points become clear. Firstly, EU education policy is getting to an important place not to be ignored by EU member countries. Owing to that, in the future, qualifications and education systems will be more harmonised. On the other hand, it is strongly suggested that we should pay careful attention to Europeanisation of educational culture in the EU countries. Secondly, educational problems such as integrated education in the area of special educational needs, education of immigrant children, and education of minority languages have not been solved. Thirdly, considering the promotion of active European citizenship, the question about who can be granted citizenship depends on each EU country according to nationality codes and immigration acts. Thus, there may be unequal opportunities for education. The above three points are future tasks as well as present tasks.

© 2005 日本教育政策学会年報
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