Online ISSN : 2434-0510
Print ISSN : 2185-1646
小倉 圭野本 尭希川村 卓
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 29 巻 2 号 p. 221-228


    The purpose of this case report were to describe and study coaching for fielding grounders about baseball that the author has experienced, and to provide knowledge that help the other coaches to learn.A player that the author coached was a member of college baseball club, and he was an infielder. He had a problem that he cannot move to the batted ball aggressively when a grounder was hit in him, so he was not able to move for good catching position. For these problems, he often juggled a grounder and was also not able to shift to the following throwing motion smoothly. The author proposed some drills for him, and tried to induce him to judge behavior of a grounder early and to catch a grounder on an easy hop to catch such as short hop. As a result, he has come to be able to move to the batted ball aggressively and improve fielding performance during regular season. The knowledge gained from this case report can be helpful to other coaches when they coach infielders about fielding grounders.

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