Online ISSN : 2434-0510
Print ISSN : 2185-1646
網野 友雄内山 治樹吉田 健司池田 英治
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 31 巻 1 号 p. 89-101


    The purpose of this research was to develop objective guidelines on factors affecting the outcome of the overtime in the basketball game which had not been elucidated so far. In the questionnaire survey method (n=13), we extracted how the top coaches of Japan think about the items that would affect the outcome of the overtime. And then by carrying out one way analysis of variance (n=70), important items influencing victory or defeat were extracted in the overtime that coaches consider. According to it, coaches found out that “turnover”, “mental” and “defense rebound” are thought to be important for winning the overtime. Next, logistic regression analysis was conducted on the items affecting the outcome of the overtime from game statistics (stats) (n=51), The items affecting the outcome of winning or losing were extracted. In the result of logistic regression analysis, it turned out that “preliminary points”, “3point shoot”, “foul on”, “defense rebound” and “inside score in the paint area” are items that affect win or loss in the overtime. From the above, it turned out that there was a difference between the items affecting the outcome of the extended game in which coaches are thinking and the win defeat that actually affected the result in the overtime. In order to win the overtime of basketball, we aim to earn a preliminary score by scores with in the paint area and 3point shoot, to positively play and get a foul and conclude that defensive rebound is important.

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