Online ISSN : 1349-0990
Print ISSN : 0011-1848
ISSN-L : 0011-1848
稲の組織内澱粉に関する研究 : 第8報 澱粉消長よりみた分けつ相互の関係
佐藤 庚
ジャーナル フリー

1961 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 23-26


Through the growing period of rice plants grown in the paddy field and pots, 5 plants from field and 9 plants from pot were sampled in every seven days, and then the tillers were immediately separated and sorted out. The tillers were classified into three groups: The main-stem group, the 1st order tiller group and the 2nd order tiller group, the locus of each tiller of each group was reserved. Each internode of each group was killed and preserved in FAA solution, then the segments were sectioned by hand and stained with I-IK solution, and the relative starch content was estimated under the microscope. The results obtained are as follows: (1) Young tillers that have less than 3 leaves may grow chiefly getting their energy resources from the mother culms, but since then thny may grow further independently storing transitory starch and increasing the starch content in the matured parenchyma of internode and leaf-sheath. Main-stem and lower locused strong 1st order tillers store much starch in early growing stage, but the amount of starch decreases with rapid emergence of upper locused 1st order tillers and 2nd order tillers. These lately emerged tillers grow depending on early emerged ones, as soon as 3 leaves are formed they also can grow independently and store transitory starch in themselves. All the tillers, regardless the time of emmergence, contain almost similar amount of starch at the time when the panicle primordia are formed. In other word, they might be at the similar physiological state in this period. Hereafter, all the tillers elongate, flower, and mature almost at the same time whereby the starch accumulates or disappears also simulaneously (Fig. 1). (2) Speaking of details, main-stem or lowest locused weak tillers contain relatively much and unvariable amount of starch with their somewhat slow maturation process, and so the restored or remained starch amount at maturity is much in these culms especially in the basal part of stems (Fig. 4). (3) It seems that at least carbohydrates in some tillers readily move to the others when the latters are injured and lose their activity of carbohydrates synthesis at any period of growth, and their translocation seems to have no direct relation to that of flowering hormones (Fig. 7. Fig. 8).

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