Online ISSN : 1884-5118
Print ISSN : 1341-0296
ISSN-L : 1341-0296
小林 廉太郎井元 智子
ジャーナル フリー

2019 年 26 巻 3 号 p. 99-111


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of donations of ingredients to the menus at food kitchen for children, which is called Kodomo Shokudo in Japan. Child poverty is now recognized as one of the important social issues; Kodomo Shokudo has been receiving much attention due to its capability of providing home-style meals for free or low prices. However, its management could depend on working volunteers with local connections. Since their financial conditions are unclear, it seems to be difficult to consider sustainable systems for Kodomo Shokudo. Therefore, we performed hearing investigation to eight Kodomo Shokudos to know their conditions. In our knowledge, this is the first study to elucidate relationship between income and variety of services, especially for menu, by analyzing multiple Kodomo Shokudos. We showed that Kodomo Shokudo with donations of ingredients provided meal with lower price than those without them, especially Kodomo Shokudo that received donations from food-bank could provide meal for free. Kodomo Shokudo with donations of ingredients provided various menus rather than without. Wide variety of menu enables children to have balanced meal, which is important for child's growth. We explored that sustainable food providing system at Kodomo Shokudo and showed that subsidy, donation and donation of ingredient are important by the analysis of financial conditions, donated ingredients and menus.The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of donations of ingredients to the menus at food kitchen for children, which is called Kodomo Shokudo in Japan. Child poverty is now recognized as one of the important social issues; Kodomo Shokudo has been receiving much attention due to its capability of providing home-style meals for free or low prices. However, its management could depend on working volunteers with local connections. Since their financial conditions are unclear, it seems to be difficult to consider sustainable systems for Kodomo Shokudo. Therefore, we performed hearing investigation to eight Kodomo Shokudos to know their conditions. In our knowledge, this is the first study to elucidate relationship between income and variety of services, especially for menu, by analyzing multiple Kodomo Shokudos. We showed that Kodomo Shokudo with donations of ingredients provided meal with lower price than those without them, especially Kodomo Shokudo that received donations from food-bank could provide meal for free. Kodomo Shokudo with donations of ingredients provided various menus rather than without. Wide variety of menu enables children to have balanced meal, which is important for child's growth. We explored that sustainable food providing system at Kodomo Shokudo and showed that subsidy, donation and donation of ingredient are important by the analysis of financial conditions, donated ingredients and menus.

© 2019 日本フードシステム学会