Online ISSN : 1884-5118
Print ISSN : 1341-0296
ISSN-L : 1341-0296
2024年度 大会特集号1/会長講演
  • 小柴 有理江, 川手 督也
    2024 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 112-117
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Alternative agriculture that aims to add high value and be environmentally friendly is gaining attention. This symposium learns from advanced examples of social farming and considers the future of the food system that corresponds to alternative agriculture. Social farming is making headway in Japan with policy support from the perspectives of 1) therapy and 2) employment of persons with disabilities in the agricultural sector. New trends include adding high value, branding, and universalizing agriculture or care farming. These trends are examined on the basis of advanced examples. We discuss how social farming can lead to the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, and rural areas.
  • 吉田 行郷, 木之下 麻衣, 白崎 深月
    2024 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 118-125
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In advanced cases of social farming, disability welfare offices, etc. are actively engaged in high value-added agriculture through the 6th industrialization, which includes processing and sales, and sustainable agriculture, such as natural recycling agriculture that has a high affinity with organic farming methods. As a result, social farming is expediting new possibilities for agriculture. This study clarified that such unique initiatives have emerged owing to the increased awareness of effectively utilizing local resources to improve the labor compensation of persons with disabilities as much as possible, and the fact that multiple persons with disabilities can form teams to work on initiatives that require an abundance of labor. This study also showed the need to establish a new food system in response to these trends.
  • 川田 勝也
    2024 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 126-129
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Until now, quality and design have been important aspects for brands. However, mass production and mass consumption have led to product standardization. In this context, “social” has emerged as an essential new value. Consideration of the environment, region, living things, people, etc., and contribution to resolving social issues are spreading as new values. Regional brands include the region’s name, landscape, culture, and story, all of which create an advantage in branding. Company and consumer awareness is also changing, and such elements as regionality and resolving social issues are now required for brands as a social design. Social farming is an initiative that contributes to such issues as giving purpose in life to persons with disabilities, improving farm wages and labor shortages, regenerating abandoned farmland, and revitalizing local areas, and can therefore appeal to social value. This paper introduces a case study of branding processed products derived from social farming, which our company undertook as part of the “Japan Foods Project.” This project aims to revitalize regions and the entire country through food, in collaboration with local governments, companies, sports teams, schools, etc. Regional brands are created using local ingredients and processed at welfare facilities in various regions. The challenge this project faces is to create a distribution channel system for small-lot products.
  • 中本 英里
    2024 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 130-139
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study has two aims: first, it aims to identify the effects of universalizing the agricultural environment. To this end, it is important to subdivide workers’ tasks and to understand their individuality. Thanks to universalization, many persons with disabilities have found employment opportunities. In addition, universalizing the agricultural environment has created opportunities for not only persons with disabilities but also the elderly, women, young people, and people with work difficulties to participate in the community. The second aim is to clarify the effects of care farming using the therapeutic effects of agriculture. Case studies in the Netherlands have shown that care farming can be a beneficial place for persons with disabilities who have difficulty working, children who do not attend school, people with dementia, people suffering from burnout, and so on. However, challenges abound. Agricultural products derived from care farming rarely find their way to the market. It is important to consider ways to make better use of agricultural products. Furthermore, care farming approaches in the Netherlands are still not well known in Japan. As communities develop a better understanding of care farming and the universalization of agriculture, social farming will spread in various ways. Social farming will then become positioned as an important actor in the food system.
  • −エビデンスと実践から−
    岡村 毅
    2024 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 140-145
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In today’s world, owing to advancements in medical science, various diseases have become treatable and people can live longer. As a result, a large number of elderly people are living with disabilities in communities. On the other hand, the family system has changed and the capability of family members to provide support for the elderly has decreased. Cutting-edge issues in contemporary care include 1) how to establish ways to live with persons with disorders and disabilities, 2) how to implement a decision-making support system for person-centered care, and 3) how to improve the quality of life and the quality of death. One-sided, one-size-fits-all care in institutions will disappear in the near future. In this report, we present practices by and evidence from a) community care farms in collaboration with medical institutions, b) a pilot care farm in an urban setting, c) a pilot and cost-sustainable care farm within a medical institution, d) care farms that start immediately after dementia diagnosis, and e) care farms in a large urban housing complex. Because care farms are a pioneering area for the future, interdisciplinary research in agriculture, agricultural economics, psychology, medicine, social work, and occupational therapy needs to be promoted now.
  • 作田 竜一
    2024 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 146-148
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • −施策担当者の観点からのコメント−
    渡辺 桃代
    2024 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 149-150
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー