Online ISSN : 1884-7870
Print ISSN : 0449-9069
ISSN-L : 0449-9069
栄養との関連からみた食料費の研究 (第 1 報)
出石 康子松田 紀美子
ジャーナル フリー

1973 年 24 巻 4 号 p. 333-343


No satisfactory way had been found to apprehend the food cost from the viewpoint of nutritive science. The authors successfully established a consistent way and studied, using this method of calculation, the food cost to fulfil the National Standard of Nutriment. The food costs calculated in this paper show the actual food expenditure on the national level because the data was collected from the section concerning the whole households in Japan in the “Report on the Survey of Incomes and Expenditures.” Therefore the authors believe that the food costs obtained here can be designated as “Model Food Costs for Japanese.”
The economical expenditure on food was discussed nutritiously on the basis of these food costs. Also the fluctuation of the food costs in this connotation shown between January 1965 and December 1970 was studied. A characteristic variation was found in the food cost; annually low in February and November, and high in August.

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