Journal of Hard Tissue Biology
Online ISSN : 1880-828X
Print ISSN : 1341-7649
ISSN-L : 1341-7649
Changes in Protein Profile in Cecum of Mouse with Intestinal Dysbacteriosis Induced by Ceftriaxone Sodium
Lisha TanShu WenMing-Zhong SunLi Tang
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 93-98


Dysbacteriosis of intestinal flora is closely related to human health and disease development. In this study, the effects of ceftriaxone (INN) sodium on dominant bacteria in mouse with intestinal dysbacteriosis and on protein expressions in cecal contents were investigated. The dominant bacteria including Streptococcus, Veillonella, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacteroides, Lactobacillus, Fusobacterium, Peptococcus and Enterobacteriaceae were either eliminated or inhibited by INN sodium administration. Protein (peptide) profile in cecum changed significantly as detected by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) “fingerprinting” trapping assay. The average values and intensities of mass ion peaks of proteins in mice with intestinal dysbacteriosis were different from the normal mice. Principal component analysis (PCA) based hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the mass spectra of the cecal contents of both groups have phylogenetic-like relationships by matching their group classification. MALDI-TOF-MS analysis is feasible, rapid and powerful in capturing protein changes with high sensitivity in cecal contents of mice with intestinal dysbacteriosis induced by antibiotics. The approach used in current work potentially provides new input in the study of the role of intestinal flora in human diseases.

© 2011 by The Hard Tissue Biology Network Association(JHTBNet)
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