Online ISSN : 2185-1034
Print ISSN : 0447-7227
ISSN-L : 0447-7227
化膿性中耳炎 (急性, 慢性の急性増悪, 慢性) に対するDL-8280の薬効評価
Pipemidic acidとの二重盲検試験法による比較検討
河村 正三藤巻 豊岩沢 武彦佐々木 亨柳内 統杉森 久一戸村 卓爾谷内 美栄子山田 彰栗田 二郎坂本 毅一林 正剛土田 伸子小崎 秀夫井本 龍彦山崎 勤林 奈美江三ケ田 昭是吉田 真子和田 繁佐々木 幸弘吉村 理和田 昌士三邊 武右衛門上田 良穂古内 一郎島田 均渋井 弘一三宅 浩郷新川 敦野村 恭也川端 五十鈴渡辺 博紀石井 哲夫藤代 武久杉田 麟也内田 利男田中 幹夫馬場 駿吉木下 治二森 慶人大屋 靖彦松下 隆福岡 由利子本堂 潤羽柴 基之月山 昌夫関谷 芳正伊藤 弘美和田 健二稲垣 光昭丸尾 猛河合 窄村井 兼孝向井 研一玄 利男波多野 努水越 治橘 正芳西村 武重日向 美知中村 明正大川 和春只木 信和三牧 三郎中江 進竹之内 智貴田 秀樹安野 友博井上 靖二松井 隆史松岡 秀樹中井 義明杉山 正夫後藤 和彦張 寛正小西 一夫桝谷 治彦岡田 博文大山 勝勝田 兼司昇 卓夫山本 誠古田 茂柳井谷 功小幡 悦朗清田 隆二進 武幹森川 郁郎古川 満平出 芳生茂木 五郎梅原 豊治渡辺 徳武森満 保牧野 浩二黒木 幹子永井 みどり日高 せつ子
ジャーナル フリー

1984 年 30 巻 4 号 p. 642-670


In order to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of DL-8280 on acute suppurative otitis media, acute exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media and chronic otitis media, a double-blind trial was carried out in comparison with pipemidic acid (PPA). Six hundred (600) mg of DL-8280 or 2000mg of PPA was administered daily for seven days and the following results were obtained. Clinical efficacy: 1) The clinical efficacy was able to be evaluated in 136 cases of DL-8280 group and 138 cases of PPA group. 2) When judged by the committee members, the overall efficacy rate (cases of excellent and good responses) was 57.3% in DL-8280 group and 49.3% in PPA group. A trend of higher efficacy rate was observed in DL-8280 group (P<0.10). The efficacy rate of DL-8280 group (80.5%) was superior to that of PPA group (60.7%) on the treatment of acute suppurative otitis media (P<0.05). 3) The clinical efficacy judged by the doctors in charge was similar to the evaluation by the committee members, however, no significant difference was observed between two groups. 4) Concerning the symptoms, the property of otorrhea was much improved by the treatment of DL-8280 (improvement rate 79.1%) than by the treatment with PPA (65.5%) on the last day of treatment (P<0.05). Bacteriological efficacy: The causative organisms isolated from the patients were eradicated in a higher rate in DL-8280 group (67.5%) than in PPA group (56.3%) in total patients (P<0.10). For the acute suppurative otitis media, the ratios of eradication were 87.5% and 64.3%, in DL-8280 group and PPA group, respectively (P<0.05). Of the strains isolated, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were particularly well responded to DL-8280 treatment. Safety: Side effects were observed in 8 of 145 cases (5.5%) in DL-8280 group and in 8 of 146 cases (5.5%) in PPA group. No serious side effects were observed. From these results, it was concluded that DL-8280 is a safe and useful drug which is able to provide a higher clinical efficacy as PPA, at a dose level of only one-third of PPA.

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