Online ISSN : 2185-1034
Print ISSN : 0447-7227
ISSN-L : 0447-7227
馬場 駿吉森 慶人鈴木 賢二島田 純一郎征矢野 薫稲垣 光昭笠島 哲也河村 正三形浦 昭克志藤 文明白崎 英明中野 勇治児玉 広幸砂金 秀充海野 徳二白戸 勝柳内 統畑山 尚生高坂 知節渋谷 守稲村 直樹大谷 巌大槻 好正小針 啓生古内 一郎谷垣内 由之村井 信之日下 和彦奥田 稔八木 聰明青木 秀治石井 哲夫高山 幹子後藤田 陽子板橋 隆嗣渡辺 洋藤巻 豊中村 美弥子宮川 晃一和田 昌士大西 信治郎上田 良穂小林 恵子伊藤 依子椿 茂和小松崎 篤小田 恂長舩 宏隆谷野 徹荒木 洋子川端 五十鈴池田 利昭野村 恭也水野 正浩坂本 裕小川 茂雄土橋 信明佐々木 郁子三宅 浩郷新川 敦本堂 潤高木 一平河合 孝宮本 直哉丸尾 猛伊藤 晴夫和田 正樹山下 公一提内 邦彦佐々木 周興荒木 伸彦水越 治橘 正芳小宮 精一松永 亨荻野 仁三好 敏之大失 良人古田 浩奥村 隆司奥村 新一土井 勝美杉本 和彦洒井 俊一宮口 衛原田 康夫平川 勝洋関谷 透松尾 隆晶曽田 豊二江浦 重治吉峯 晃一茂木 五郎渡邊 徳武黒野 祐一友永 和宏弓崎 明輝加藤 博文久我 正明森満 保東野 哲也河野 浩万大山 勝福田 勝則清田 隆二橋本 真実原口 兼明花田 武浩松永 信也松根 彰志宮崎 康博出口 浩一山村 秀夫
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 34 巻 5 号 p. 1274-1296


In order to compare the clinical efficacy and safety of CS-807 with Cefaclor (CCL) in acute tonsillitis, a double blind study was carried out using a daily dosage of 100mg×2 of CS-807 and 250mg×3 of CCL. The number of cases evaluated for clinical efficacy were 172 (82 treated with CS-807 and 90 treated with CCL). The effective ratings of CS-807 and CCL were 78.0% and 84.4% as judged by committee, and 89.0% and 86.7% as judged by doctor in charge, respectively. Bacteriological effects were satisfactory to yield the eradication rates of 98.4% in CS-807 and 98.6% in CCL. The number of cases evaluated for safety were 182 (87 treated with CS-807 and 95 treated with CCL). The incidence of side effects was 3.4% (3) in CS-807 and 3.2% (3) in CCL. Most of them were mild gastro-intestinal disorders. The number of cases evaluated for utility were 172 (82 treated with CS-807 and 90 treated with CCL). The usefulness rating were 89.0% in CS-807 and 86.7% in CCL. There was no significant difference between CS-807 and CCL in clinical effect, bacteriological effect, safety and utility. From these results, a daily 200mg dosage of CS-807 was found to be as useful as a daily 750mg dosage of CCL for the treatment of acture tonsillitis.

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