Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
寺澤 寿一佐野 裕司千足 耕一漆谷 伸介
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 124 巻 p. 193-199


We conduct an investigation in case of taking a novice person on sailing cruiser for coxswain and the crew to contribute the promotion of safety in marine sports. Subjects are 545 persons who belong to Japan Sailing Federation. 99.6% of the subjects have experience in taking a novice person on sailing cruiser. And the thing extremely to call a novice person's attention is about the life jacket and falling overboard. Subjects have anxiety that a novice person falls overboard. And the anxiety of the novice person is list of sailing cruiser and falling overboard. In case of taking a novice person on sailing cruiser, it is necessary that 2 to 4 expert crew go on board. We think that it is necessary that we approach to the awareness concerning safety of coxswain and the crew. And we have to set an example in getting on the sailing cruiser to a novice person for the future.


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