Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
橋本 富壽間庭 愛信大本 修野田 英邦
ジャーナル フリー

1962 年 27 巻 p. 63-69


When sounding a lake or an artificial lake of electric power plant by an echo sounder installed on a boat, the error due to inaccuracy of positions, is large because of difficulty of determination of accurate positions, and moreover, great efforts are needed. On a frozen lake it is easy to determine positions with accuracy. Besides, echo sounding from the surface of ice is possible. Therefore, sounding from it is more speedy and accurate than that by a boat. The pond-smelt can be detected from the surface of ice, too. The se are new methods of sounding of lake and detection of fish school on the frozen lake, which have never been published. It is pointed out that easier sounding is possible by using the latest transistorized compact fish finder.

© 1962 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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