Online ISSN : 1881-2368
Print ISSN : 1346-9770
ISSN-L : 1346-9770
井部 明広
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 100-104


  In Japan, the food inspection is carried out by the country and various municipalities in order to secure the safety of the circulating food in accordance with the Food Sanitation Law. Various microbiological, physical and chemical examinations are performed on imported foods at quarantine stations, and on circulating foods within the country at Regional Public Health Institutes in each administrative division as food inspection,
  The metropolitan government of Tokyo has an Institute of Public Health, which is responsible for inspecting pesticide residues, food additives, food contamination by aflatoxins or food allergens, food developed through genetically modified organisms and other various standard examinations on food, and apparatus and containers wrapping examination etc. The inspection number for Tokyo for the fiscal year of 2007 was 54,118, amongst those, the violation number was 100 and the violation rate was 0.18%. The main violations fell under Articles 11 and 19 of the Food Sanitation Law.
  It is necessary that the administrative inspections continue to secure the safety of food for consumption, although a more efficient system of inspection is required for the future, such as the selection of the inspection item and of the targeted food referring to the risk assessment.

© 2009 日本食生活学会
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