Online ISSN : 1881-2368
Print ISSN : 1346-9770
ISSN-L : 1346-9770
夜型化, ダイエットなどの生活スタイルが健康に及ぼす影響
飯原 千恵奥田 和子北尾 敦子倉賀野 妙子
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 12 巻 2 号 p. 141-147


This study aims to find out how college women students'health is affected by their night-centered lifestyles and diet behavior.564 of them were randomly selected and asked questions about their eating habits, diet behavior, general malaises, and evacuative conditions.The findings are as follows:
1.Ninety percent of them said they were in good health conditions.However, this is not necessarily the case, judging from their general malaises and evacuative behavior.Over forty percent of the respondents checked more than five items on the malaise questions. While a little less than a half of the students finish evacuating just before or after breakfast, about a half of them evacuate irregularly or do so at night.
2.Approximately eighty percent of the respondents have ever been on diets.Those who are on diets now tend to skip breakfast and/or lunch and eat meals at night.It can be said therefore that a diet is one of the causes of the students'breakfast skipping behavior and night-centered lifestyles.
3.Those who circled more items on the general malaises tend to go to bed late and sleep short.This suggests that a night-centered lifestyle has a negative effect on one's health and hence it is necessary to change it into a day-centered one to reduce general malaises. Moreover, those who are on diets now tend to check more items on the general malaises, and this implies that a diet may do harm to one's health.

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