Online ISSN : 2187-2392
Print ISSN : 1348-8619
ISSN-L : 1348-8619
乾 順紀長ヶ原 誠
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 21 巻 1 号 p. 51-62


  The purpose of this study was to clarify the process of developing physical literacy throughout school age among adults who currently participate regularly in exercise and sports. As a result of snowball sampling until theoretical saturation was reached, 13 men and women were included in the study. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection, and they were analyzed based on the M-GTA. We set two research questions: (1) how physical literacy is developed during school age, and (2) how it affects present sports involvement. The interviews were conducted both in person and online, averaging approximately 66 minutes each. The results revealed the following: (i) they began to participate in exercise and sports during childhood; (ii) the foundation of physical literacy, from both physical and mental aspects, was developed mainly through their athletic experiences in school athletic clubs; (iii) after entering adulthood, following the restructuring of exercise and sports orientation, the process of maturing physical literacy that supports current participation in physical exercise and sports was revealed mainly from internal aspects along with the experiences of school age. The overall athletic experience, mainly through athletic club activities, contributed most significantly to the development of physical literacy. Additionally, while athletic participation developed physical literacy during childhood, the opposite relationship was noticeable in adulthood, where mature physical literacy supported sports involvement. Furthermore, the reconstruction of exercise and sports orientation from late school age to adulthood suggests that school physical education and lifelong sports are internally connected in terms of maturing physical literacy.

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