Online ISSN : 1881-7718
Print ISSN : 0484-6710
ISSN-L : 0484-6710
中須賀 巧阪田 俊輔杉山 佳生
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 60 巻 2 号 p. 759-772


  The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among perceived motivational climates, goal orientations, and outcome expectations for physical education among junior high school students. Our basic study model was that the presence of 2 motivational climates in physical education classes would promote goal orientation, which in turn would increase students' outcome expectations. The sample comprised 813 junior high school students (mean age=13.7±0.9 years). The measures used included a questionnaire on motivational climates in physical education (performance climates with 3 subscales, teacher's promotion of performance orientation, class performance orientation, students' worries about mistakes and mastery climates comprising 4 subscales, teacher's promotion of mastery orientation, class mastery orientation, co-operation, fairness), a scale assessing goal orientations (students' ego orientation and students' task orientation), and a scale assessing outcome expectations (positive and negative outcome expectations). The validity of this model was verified using structural equation modeling. The model was demonstrated to be valid. Furthermore, the results of this study suggested the following processes: (1) Class performance orientation and students' worries about mistakes had a positive influence on students' ego orientation, which in turn had a positive influence on positive outcome expectation and negative outcome expectation. (2) Class performance orientation had a positive influence on positive outcome expectation, whereas students' worries about mistakes had a negative influence on positive outcome expectation. (3) The teacher's promotion of performance orientation and students' worries about mistakes had a positive influence on negative outcome expectation. (4) The teacher's promotion of mastery orientation, class mastery orientation and co-operation had a positive influence on students' task orientation, which in turn had a positive influence on positive outcome expectation, whereas it had a negative influence on negative outcome expectation. (5) Class mastery orientation and co-operation had a positive influence on positive outcome expectation. In conclusion, to enhance students' positive outcome expectation, it is important for teachers to cultivate a climate of both mastery and performance in physical education classes.

© 2015 一般社団法人 日本体育学会
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