Online ISSN : 1881-7718
Print ISSN : 0484-6710
ISSN-L : 0484-6710
髙橋 由衣高井 秀明
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 68 巻 p. 71-85


 This study aimed to examine the cognitive strategies utilized by college athletes in relation to trait anxiety in sports and self-regulation of learning. Data were collected from 346 student athletes belonging to University A (183 males and 163 females, average age 19.82 ± 1.01 years). The scales used included the Cognitive Strategy Scale, the Trait Anxiety Inventory for Sport, and the Self-Regulation of Learning in Sports Scale. The results obtained using the Cognitive Strategy Scale divided the athletes into 4 groups who utilized different cognitive strategies: the UO group, the DP group, the RP group, and the SO group. It was found that the DP and RP groups, which exhibited a tendency for pessimism, scored higher than the UO and SO groups in terms of trait anxiety. This suggested that DP and RP groups were more anxious before and during a match than the UO and SO groups. Finally, when the characteristics of the cognitive strategies were examined from the perspective of selfregulation of learning, it was found that the DP and SO groups scored higher than the UO and RP groups. These results suggest that DP and SO in athletes may have a higher quality of practice, while differing in their level of trait anxiety.

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