Online ISSN : 1881-7718
Print ISSN : 0484-6710
ISSN-L : 0484-6710
笠間 秀一坂木 晴世遠藤 英子
キーワード: スポーツ, パンデミック, 3密
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 69 巻 p. 151-168


Purpose: Based on a literature review, this study aimed to identify factors associated with outbreaks among athletes during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and to consider infection prevention measures for athletes.
Methods: We performed a scoping review of literature published in online databases from 2019 to February 28, 2023, based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis guidelines. Information on the selected references was organized and analyzed qualitatively, and text mining was performed to create association diagrams for co-occurrence associations of the detected words.
Results: Twelve references were selected for this study, and we extracted [characteristics of athletes and classification of sports], [factors that increase the risk of infection], and [symptoms and characteristics of infection]. Based on the results, the causes of COVID-19 outbreaks in athletes were divided into 3 categories: [personal factors other than sports], [factors related to playing under sports organizations], and 3 closely related situations related to athletes’ behavior and environment.
Conclusion: Outbreaks were common among all types of athletes and sports. The first infections were due to non-sport-related personal factors, and outbreaks occurred when the infection was introduced into the team. Furthermore, infection was spread due to personal and collective factors related to sports. Outbreaks may be prevented by avoiding infections of individuals in their daily life. The present results suggest that infection control measures based on the “ three Cs” in situations unique to sports can help prevent outbreaks.

© 2024 一般社団法人 日本体育学会
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