Online ISSN : 2189-5996
Print ISSN : 0385-0307
ISSN-L : 0385-0307
鈴木 啓嗣青木 省三山田 了士中野 善行塚本 千秋大月 三郎
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 567-570


We reported a patient of preadolescent anorexia nervosa with long-term dissociative symptoms. She was a 10-year-old girl and had no sibling. She had a cheerful but obstinate character. She stopped taking meal after she was scolded by her grandmother and became mutistic gradually. At the time of admission to our hospital. she was 140cm at height, 19kg in weight. lied on the bed without any expression. Some weeks later her liver function became worse and IVH injection was started. At that time she showed remarkable excitement and rejection. After some weeks, she suffered from sepsis and then began talking. She had no memories after she was scolded to the present. She talked about her fear of obesity and weight gain. She was regressed and her mother cared her very kindly. After sepsis improved and lVH started again, she showed episodic excitement everyday. At that time she told that when she got angry, the other self came out and she could not remember any more. Her mether and staff members made an effort that she could believe to be accepted. Gradually her excitement decreased and she was restored to her memories. After 13 months she started eating agah, and was discharged from the hospital. She had a fear of obesity and denied body emaciation. Her eating problem started as a psychogenic reaction like many other preadolescent cases. Dissociative symptoms occurred because she could not accept herself who rejected her families. When she was recoverd, familial structure changed.

© 1992 一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
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