Online ISSN : 2433-0531
ISSN-L : 2433-0531
有馬 理仁 林 磊福井 正博島田 幸司
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 39 巻 3 号 p. 11-20

The penetration of renewable energy is advanced to implement low-carbon society. Especially the increase of the photovoltaic generation energy is remarkable. But as a result, the trend that net electricity demand is decreased in the daytime and is increased suddenly in the evening, which is called ‘Duck-Curve phenomenon’ become apparent, and the destabilization of the utility grid caused by the fluctuation of photovoltaic generation power output. To solve this problem, the virtual power plant is planned as one of the solutions, and the battery aggregation using the distributed and cooperated rechargeable batteries is considered as one of the technical elements. One of the strong candidate of rechargeable battery is lithium ion batteries. To maximize the profit of the battery aggregation, it is necessary to diagnose the degradation in real time and estimate the cost effectiveness of lithium ion batteries. We found the convenient technique of diagnosis which can be done under operation of lithium ion batteries and battery management systems. To contribute to optimum system operation of the distributed and cooperated rechargeable batteries, we propose a new cost effectiveness index of lithium ion batteries based on this technique.
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