Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
Online ISSN : 1884-5258
ISSN-L : 1884-0833
Original Articles
Visualization of Onomatopoeia based on Phonemic Features
Yutaro TOMOTOTsuyoshi NAKAMURAMasayoshi KANOHTakanori KOMATSU
Author information

2012 Volume 11 Issue 4 Pages 545-552


Onomatopoeia refers to words that represent the sound, appearance, or voice of things, which makes it possible to create expressions that bring a scene to life in a subtle fashion. In this paper, we propose an onomatopoeia thesaurus map to enable the construction of a map that visually confirms “similarity relationships between a number of onomatopoetic words” and “similarity relationships between unknown onomatopoetic words and existing onomatopoetic words,” which are difficult to grasp from a conventional thesaurus. It is also possible to label objects with onomatopoetic words and visualize the similarity relationships between the objects on a map. In this paper, we introduce an example of labeling onomatopoetic words relating to the textures of sweets (desserts).

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© 2012 Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
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