Online ISSN : 1884-5258
ISSN-L : 1884-0833
相澤 実歩吉田 衣里菜南 裕子久徳 康史檀 一平太
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 17 巻 1 号 p. 149-157


As the modern food market in Japan becomes highly competitive, there is growing need for differentially marketing products. To this end, a food company is supposed to convey clear characteristics of a product to consumers to facilitate their understanding of the product. Therefore, using an on-line survey, we investigated differences in Japanese consumers' valuation of two food products of the same category (i.e., frozen cooked rice products). We utilized the five scales which evaluate products, and based on multiple regression analyses, we explored value structure to represent consumers' valuation of the two food products. While they are perceived as similar products due to the fact that they hold major positions in the market, there were distinct difference in consumers' valuation of the two food products. We suggest that the current statistical approach to assess consumers' valuation of food products could serve as effective tools for enhancing differentiation of food products.

© 2017 日本感性工学会
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