2022 年 21 巻 4 号 p. 425-430
This study aimed to understand cognitive structure of facial youthfulness in young women through comparison between ages. According to a previous study on women in their 50s, youthfulness was a complex impression composed of estimated age, liveliness, and cleanliness. Additionally, liveliness was the main component and was strongly affected by impressions of the eyes. As with the previous study, eight trained raters rated 27 impressions of 35 facial images of women in their 30s, followed by factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The analyses revealed that youthfulness had three components: estimated age, liveliness, and cleanliness. Further, youthfulness was particularly related to liveliness that was particularly related to impressions of the eyes. In this respect, the cognitive structure of women in their 30s was consistent with that of women in their 50s. These results suggest that the cognitive structure of youthfulness would be universal for women of various ages.