2021 年 87 巻 12 号 p. 995-1002
In scientific publications, information is conveyed in the form of figure and table as well as text. Among the many fields of research, computer vision focuses on visual information like image and video. Therefore, figure and table are useful to convey information in computer vision paper such as image used in the experiment or output of the proposed method. In the field of computer vision, conference papers are important, which is different from journal publications considered important in other fields. In this work, we study the use of figures and tables in computer vision papers in conference proceedings. We utilize object detection and image recognition techniques to extract and label figures in papers. We conducted the experiments from five aspects including (1) comparison with other field, (2) comparison among different conferences in computer vision, (3) comparison with workshop papers, (4) temporal change, and (5) comparison among different research topics in computer vision. Thorough the experiments, we observed that the use of figure and table has been changing between 2013 and 2020. We also revealed that the tendency in the use of figure is different among topics even in computer vision papers.