Print ISSN : 0374-3543
加藤 秀雄中野 嘉邦鴻巣 健治
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 46 巻 5 号 p. 615-620


The present paper describes the experimental relationship between the roundness of the center hole and the roundness of the ground surface of the workpiece supported with dead centers in cylindrical plunge grinding. The center holes are machined with center drills. The measured profiles of the hole and the ground surface are analyzed by Fourier analysis and the components of the hole profile are compared with those of the ground surface profile for each number of lobes on the circumference by using linear regression analysis. The obtained main results are as follows : (1) The two-lobed component and the lower odd-numberlobed components are dominant on the profile of the holes. (2) The two-lobed component is dominant on most of the ground surfaces. (3) The threelobed component of the profile of the hole is more easily transmitted to the profile of the ground surface than the other components. Within the limit of this experiment, the amplitude ratio of the transmission is about six percents for the hole diameter of 5 to 10 mm. (4) Although the two-lobed components are dominant on the profiles of both the hole and the ground surface, the relationship between them does not show a good correlation.

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