Online ISSN : 1882-675X
Print ISSN : 0912-0289
ISSN-L : 0912-0289
本間 義彦
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 63 巻 4 号 p. 499-503


The operational rate of automatic production lines is determined by the trouble rate, the recovery time and the capacity of intermediate buffer under sufficient loading of works to handle. Works are loaded to the line through a loading buffer which is prepared with the top of the line and the number of works must be loaded enough to keep the operational rate of the line. In this paper, simulations for production lines with a loading buffer are performed. In the simulation, the loading to the loading buffer is performed with almost equal intervals of the cycle and the loading buffer is filled by works at loading. The relation of the loading frequency to the buffer capacity, which is not affected for the operational rate of lines by the loading, is shown by the results. The main results are as follows : (1) as the buffer is filled in works at loading, it is necessary that loading for the buffer is performed more than three times while the line handles all numbers of works in the loading buffer, (2) the minimum loading frequency for sufficient loading is given by the presented equation, (3) in calculations of the equation, it is suitable that PIN is 0.95 for operational ratios of over 10% and 0.975 for other cases.

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