2002 年 2 巻 p. 93-95
We reported factors and their treatment for health care of low back pain from the viewpoint of oriental medicine. Factors in low back pain due to the kidney and spleen vacuity in medical and welfare workers, and helpers were thought to be due to "overfatigue (hard work)" which are non-endon-exopathogenic factors from the standpoint of oriental medicine. Treatment of low back pain in oriental medicine was as follows: The most important point in health care to avoid low back pain is to avoid fatigue. In the type of low back pain due to spleen vacuity, it is important not to be indifferent to health, over-drinking and over-eating, as endogenous dampness because there is a close relationship between spleen vacuity and "wet". It is important in preventing "wet", to try to not engage in bathing or hydrotherapy for a long time and after work, and to dry the body sufficiently. If we keep the spleen in good condition, we can avoid changing from "wet" to "phlegm (tan)" and avoid a out or decrease in "stasis blood (oketsu)". In the type of low back pain due to kidney vacuity, it is important to not become "cold" and if we do, to take care to warm our body soon.