The purpose of this study was to investigate the muscular activity characteristics of the trunk muscles during stepping forward often used in the treatment in patients with cerebrovascular disease. We measured the sway path of the center of pressure (COP) and the muscular activity of the trunk muscles of 11 healthy subjects during stepping forward with a force-measuring platform and a surface electromyogram. The activity of the lumber back muscles on either right and left or both sides decreases once in 8 subjects and the COP moves to the rear outside the swing side in all subjects when beginning to step forward. The activity increased immediately on the stance side before heel off, and increased on the other side after toe off in all subjects except 1 man. It tended to maintain the rise on the swing side during the swing phase in 8 subjects. It becomes eminent on either or both sideswhen the is flat in all subjects. The relationship between lumbar back muscles and the direction and the velocity of the movement of COP was analyzed, and it was considered that lumbar back muscles worked to control the rotational moment to the trunk when the direction and the velocity of the COP movement was changed greatly.