Online ISSN : 2188-2126
Print ISSN : 2187-9737
ISSN-L : 2187-9737


My 40-year Career as a Hematologist – Facing Clinical Challenges and Changing My Research – Focus from Glycolipids to Therapy Resistance –
ジャーナル オープンアクセス 早期公開

論文ID: JMJ23-0019-R


It has been about 40 years since I graduated from Juntendo University School of Medicine in 1983. For 5 years after graduation, I was engaged in research on glycolipids in the Biochemistry Unit of the University of Tokyo. Later, I wrote and published papers on glycolipids. Eventually, I began to work here at the Department of Hematology. In 2000, in the 17th year after my graduation, I began to work at the Department of Hematology, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, as the only physician stationed there. I had to work long hours, until late night, to manage the many inpat As described in our department’s homepage, 145 (64%) of the 227 presentations made at professional society meetings were made by residents. During this period, 15 new residents joined this department. In 2015, contributions by residents were accepted for publication by high-impact-factor journals, such as the Journal of Clinical Oncology. With the support of our Chairman Ogawa, in April 2023, I began to work as a specially appointed professor at the current department. Recently, I have begun to feel deeply grateful for Juntendo university’s academic motto of “Benevolence,” its principle of “Uninterrupted Advancing,” and its academic position of “three noes principle, Sanmu Principle (no discrimination based on gender, nationality, or academic background)”. I hope that you will all remain active under these principles and ideas, while taking due care of your own health. I wish to express my appreciation for your continued support and cooperation.

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