Online ISSN : 2424-1334
Print ISSN : 1347-5614
ISSN-L : 1347-5614
明治後期~昭和戦前期における行政村・集落運営と農村社会運動 : 長野県下伊那地方を事例に(2011年度シンポジウム 戦前期長野県養蚕業と地域-小県郡と下伊那郡)
坂口 正彦
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2012 年 46 巻 p. 26-37


This paper examines the administration of the Japanese agricultural village in the modern and contemporary period, mainly from the late Meiji period to prewar years in Showa period. This case study is done in Simoina district, Nagano Prefecture. In this paper administrative villages are classified into three types. The first type is model villages. The second is cooperative villages. The third is disobedient villages. This classification is not necessarily absolute. The type of administrating villages sometimes transforms itself because the relation between landowners and peasants changes. Whether the famous agrarian social movement in Simoina district, Nagano Prefecture, caused the change or not, is also examined. The examination is as follows: in model villages large-scale landlords administered the village. In the other types such landowners did not exist. On the other hand, Simohisakata (type 2) and Seinaiji (type 3) were administered without difficulty as far as examined. Nagano Prefecture intervened in the administration of Seinaiji and the rural economic regeneration movement was forced in that village. The difference in these three types is due to the agricultural productivity and the transformation of the landlord system. In Simoina the agrarian social movement did not change the village administration because the movement aimed at capitalists and the development of sericulture kept the peasants from coming into conflict with the landowners.

© 2012 日本農業史学会
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