Online ISSN : 1881-1302
Print ISSN : 0047-1879
ISSN-L : 0047-1879
いちごハウス栽培農業従事者の健康状態に関する疫学的研究 : 2. 集団検診成績とくにアレルギーの立場から
石崎 達牧野 荘平池森 亨介福田 健生井 聖一郎山本 久古内 一郎河島 文幸石崎 百合子
ジャーナル フリー

1979 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 153-163


Clinical mass surveys were carried out on the residents to whom questionnaires on symptoms with reference to strawberry culture in the vinyl-house had been delivered. Two hundred and eleven persons attended at the first survey in September, 1976 (off the season of strawberry culture) and the 58 attended at the second survey in March, 1977 (within the season). The participants of the first survey consisted of three groups, i.e. farmers with and without strawberry culture and people without farming. The participants of the second survey consisted only of farmers with strawberry culture. Results are summarized as follows. 1) There were no difference of incidence of various clinical findings detected by an ophthalmologist and otolaryngologists among the three groups. 2) There were also no difference of incidence of abnormal findings in urine tests, liver functions, respiratory test, blood examinations and blood pressure test among the three groups. However, the comparison of persons in charge of strawberry culture and attended at both of the first and the second surveys, such changes were detected as increases in the value of GOT (within normal limits), of stab neutrophiles, lymphocytes and of monocytes within the season of strawberry culture. 3) Increases of positive rates in skintest by extracts of house dust and Candida sp. were observed in the farmers with and without strawberry culture. Positive rates of skintest by strawberry pollen and honey bee extracts among the farmers with strawberry culture were markedly higher than the allergic patients in Dokkyo Hospital having no relation to this culture. This positive rate was markedly elevated among the persons who complained the symptom of rhinorrea within the season. 4) In conclusion, there was no serious health effect by strawberry culture upon the farmers as far as routine clinical examinations show, except overwork, symptoms from unusual stance during the work in the house. However, it is clear that persons with allergic constitution shall be sensitized by strawberry pollen and honey bee extracts which develop nasal symptoms due to antigen-antibody reaction.

© 社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
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