Online ISSN : 1884-8303
Print ISSN : 0913-4034
ISSN-L : 0913-4034
松浦 茂樹島谷 幸宏
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 4 巻 p. 205-212


The image test for some urban rivers using for semantic differential method were carried out so as to make clear the river image and investigate the river environment planning.
According to the image test, most people imagine that large rivers (river width>100m) are beautiful, Japanesque and historic and are favored very well and main rivers have high amenity potentiates. Moreover, it is important to progress their characteristics maked throug long years and we think there is no need to improve drastically.
Small rivers are imagined unequaly because of their different situation of water quality, flood prevention and landscape. There are two types of rivers favored by many people, one is Japanesque and histpric and another is modern urbane and beautiful. This result shows that there are at least two fundamental improvement plan of small river environment.

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