Journal of Prosthodontic Research
Online ISSN : 1883-9207
Print ISSN : 1883-1958
ISSN-L : 1883-1958
Original Articles
Psychological stress-relieving effects of chewing — Relationship between masticatory function-related factors and stress-relieving effects —
Akinori TasakaManaki KikuchiKousuke NakanishiTakayuki UedaShuichiro YamashitaKaoru Sakurai
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2018 年 62 巻 1 号 p. 50-55


Purpose: The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between masticatory function-related factors (masticatory performance, occlusal contact area, maximum bite force, number of chewing strokes, and muscle activity) and the stress-relieving effects of chewing.

Methods: A total of 28 healthy male subjects were instructed to rest or chew for 10 min after 30 min of stress loading with arithmetic calculations. Their stress state was assessed by measuring salivary cortisol levels. Saliva was collected at three time points: before stress loading, immediately after stress loading, and 10 min after stress loading. Compared to resting, chewing produced a significantly greater reduction in the rate of change in salivary cortisol levels 10 min after stress loading.

Results: A negative correlation was observed between the rate of decrease in salivary cortisol levels and the number of chewing strokes. No significant correlation was observed between the rate of decrease in salivary cortisol levels and other measurement items.

Conclusion: In healthy dentulous people, the number of chewing strokes has been shown to be a masticatory function-related factor that affects stress relief from chewing, suggesting the possibility that more appropriate chewing would produce a greater effect psychological stress relief.



© 2018 Japan Prosthodontic Society

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