Journal of Prosthodontic Research
Online ISSN : 1883-9207
Print ISSN : 1883-1958
ISSN-L : 1883-1958


Mechanical properties and surface roughness of chitosan reinforced heat polymerized denture base resin
Naveen Gopi Chander Jayaraman Venkatraman
ジャーナル オープンアクセス 早期公開

論文ID: JPR_D_20_00257


Purpose: The antifungal property of chitosan (Ch) in denture base resin (DBR) was well established. Ch influence on the mechanical properties of DBR is less studied in the literature and is vital for clinical success of denture. This study estimates the effect of different concentrations of Ch on the flexural strength (FS), fracture toughness (FT), impact strength (IS) and surface roughness (Ra) in heat polymerized DBR.
Methods: A total of 160 samples were divided into 4 groups (n =10) by weight percentage - Ch 0, Ch 5, Ch 10, Ch 15. FS and FT were estimated by three-point bending test. IS was determined by Charpy test. Ra was evaluated by non-contact laser surface profilometer. The tested samples were characterized by scanning electron microscope and Fourier transformation infra-red spectroscopy. Data were statistical analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Post hoc Bonferroni test.
Results: FS, FT and IS improved with Ch addition when compared to control group. Ch5 showed higher “FS, FT, IS. (p<0.001)”. Increased Ra was observed in Ch5 and Ch10 with significant statistical differences among the g roups. (p <0.001) Ch15 displayed decrease in Ra compared to control group.
Conclusions: The addition of Ch to DBR improved the “FS, FT, IS at 5%wt and Ra at 15%wt” of Ch.


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